Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Life at the moment is, well...

Exams, tests, essays, projects, homework, nanowrimo, leaving school... all sorts of things are happening at once. And then there's the daunting vision of the future slowly creeping up on me. I don't know. Everything is just so confusing and it's passing by so fast and I wish it would slow down so that I can somehow understand it. I wish I could not care so much about all that is happening at the moment (particularly the exams), but I do. I only get to live once, yet I'm worrying about some stupid exam on pointless things such as linear graphs and trigonometry and geometry and blahblahblah. I'm worrying about next year and how it will turn out, yet it hasn't happened yet and even when it does: it shouldn't be as awful as I believe it will be. And I'm worrying about when I move out of home and get a job and become a woman. I'm scared of living alone and I'm scared of having a bad job and I'm scared of being tied down by a marriage to a man I don't love and of having children (I don't dislike them, I just don't like what having lauren is doing to mum and all of her free time) and of writing and of the fact that one day I might have to stop. I don't want to worry about anything ever again...
My solution? Coffs Harbour. And you're coming with me.


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