Monday, November 1, 2010

I love this part! Mr. Darcy has followed Amanda into modern London.

Amanda: Darcy... You followed me?
Darcy: Are my wits disordered by opium? What is this dreadful place?
Amanda: This is London. My London.
Darcy: I will tell you this, Miss Price... and it is true. The assembly rooms at Meryton. I danced with you, not in order to spare my friend, but because I wanted to dance with you. Our entire acquaintance has been formed by my refusal to acknowledge this, for I have been blinded by pride. Charles, Georgiana, Wickham... You. I was calamitously mistaken in my judgment of you all. A fellow less pigheaded would have realized from the start that what I felt for you was... what I felt for you was... love. I love you. I have followed you to this infernal place because I would follow you anywhere. I would harrow hell to be with you.
Amanda: What about Caroline?
Darcy: I cannot marry Caroline Bingley.
Amanda: Do not tell me it is because she's not a maid.
Darcy: Of course she is a maid. I cannot marry her because I do not love her. I love you.


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