Sunday, November 14, 2010

I had a fantastic conversation via text last night that filled me with fangirl joy. No one I know watched Sherlock without saying 'it was okay' or 'it was boring as hell and I hated it', so you can imagine my excitement when Kotryna watched it and loved it.
Anyway, I was lying in bed last night, wondering whether going on my laptop would wake up dad with the sound of my fingers pounding against the keys at top speed, when all of a sudden - I hear the TARDIS. After sitting up in bed looking around my room, I realized that the sound was coming from my bag and reached over and took out my phone to find that I'd received a text from some unknown number. Strange...
It said: Ooh, I must have passed out last night.
It wasn't until I'd texted them back with: '...*intense gaze*' that I realized that it might in fact be Kotryna. Who else could it be texting me at such an hour with a sort-of line from Sherlock? The rest of the conversation is as follows:

Kotryna: Lol, jk. It's Watson.
Me: Yes, I noticed. SH
Kotryna: When is it ever that you don't notice... JW
Me: Never, Watson. I see what you stupid people don't. SH
Me: But don't worry, Watson, I still love you SH
Kotryna: Of course. JW <3
Kotryna: Sherlock! I am a grown person, I know when I should go to bed. And if you are so bored you should try cleaning up a bit. JW
Me: And when will that be? Two in the morning? Let Mrs. Hudson clean. I'm busy. SH
Kotryna: Quite right. Even though she isn't our housekeeper. Also, it'd be safer if you reply to my other number. JW
Me: Very good, Watson. Very clever. And sneaky. Now, pass me a pen. There's one of the table, by my head. And why don't you pop down to the shop along the way. I'm out of nicotine. SH
Kotryna: Why don't you give us all a break from the nicotine and have some coffee? JW
Me: Coffee doesn't help me think. But nicotine, on the other hand, DOES. SH
Kotryna: Right, okay. Anything else you might need? I am not going to the shop twice. JW
Me: Curry. Oh, and I think I broke the television. SH
Me: Definitely broke the television. Bring home curry and a new television. SH
Kotryna: I'll bring home curry and a new television when it's not 1am and the shops are open. What would you do without me... Goodnight. JW
Me: Ah, where would I be without my blogger, indeed. See you tomorrow. SH

Brilliant, no? So, yes. I read through our texts a few times before falling asleep and dreaming about all of my friends dressing up as my favorite characters and hiding in the lounge room so that when I came home one day: they jumped up and yelled SURPRISE then spent the entire party in character, looking quite bemused when I called them by their real names. Kotryna was dressed up as John Watson, wearing an entire bloody sheep. After the shock had worn off, she gave me a Sherlock Holmes costume to change into.
My memory is vague; but I'm sure there were two Doctors (ten and eleven), Amy Pond, a Dalek, Grenouille, Meursault, Trip Fontaine, Dorian Gray, Josef K, the Phantom, the Mad Hatter, Alice Liddell, Arthur Dent, Ford, Marvin, Trillian, Zaphod, Jareth, Beetlejuice, Valentine from MirrorMask, Arthur Pendragon, Merlin... heaps and heaps of people, okay? It was wonderful... I'd love my friends forever if they were to do this for me. But 1. don't have enough friends to dress up as all the characters for there were loads more than listed here and 2. they wouldn't do that for me.


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