As you can see by the little doohickey over yonder (--->) I'm doing pretty darn well. Only, I wrote up half of the ending when I was stuck, so yeah. I'm probably going to do that an awful lot. I'm going to watch Hamlet and Lost in Austen now, if you don't mind.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
NaNoWriMo starts soooooon
Watson, pass me a pen, will you?
Oh? Yes, I do quite like posting gifs, even when they're not needed. And, yes. I am bored. Most of the time I am bored, actually. Bored, bored, bored...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Ugh, social tomorrow night
Must I? I mean, really. It's the most pointless thing that stupid school could ever come up with. More pointless than all their homework rolled into one... Well, almost as pointless.
Stupid people and their stupid idea of enjoyment. Ebony is one of those people (though I don't find her stupid like those other stupid people), so of course I'm guilted into going. We're going dress shopping today. That is if I get any money. I could buy a sack with $13, right? That'll show them. Or I could wear that dress I have that looks like it came straight out of the 19th century. Oh, the manners they had back then.
It's almost as if that era never existed. Look at us all now. In the place of grand balls, we have rave parties. Instead of beautiful gowns, we have short skirts and skimpy tops. And, like I said, the new idea of fun is stupid things like this stupid social. I'm sure there's some way I can get out of it... But, no, I must be there for Ebony. Maybe if I find a way out of the building and lie in the grass and stare at the stars and say 'beautiful, isn't it?'
Or maybe if I sneak in a book. It'll have to be thin. No thick volumes, for they'll be far too obvious. They'll probably think I've sneaked in some alcohol under my dress, when really it's just a shakespeare come along to reassure me that not all of the world has succumbed to infuriatingly stupid things like that social.
It goes for four hours. Four hours of pure insanity. And oh, look, fantastic. Mums in a foul mood again. Maybe it's good that I'll be at the social tomorrow night, for she won't be there to take out her anger on me and the whole fucking world in general.
Right. Ramble over. Let's go dress shopping. Oh, am I supposed to be happy about that? Is that what's expected? Well... 'yay'. Who cares about decent or what's expected.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I got a message on Tumblr...
At first I was all
Cause, you know, I pretty much never get messages. 'Cept when Kotryna sent me two. And she has no reason to message me, does she? And what if it's some psycho telling me off about something or saying bad things about me and my Tumblr. I'd put on a brave face, of course, but it'd still really bug me. My Tumblr is supposed to be the one place where I can be myself and share my writing with the world. This blog here is just a place where I can satisfy all my obsessions and tell silly stories without annoying my followers.
Then I read the message:
hi, how are you? :) this isn't actually a question, but i just wanted to say your tumblr is lovely, and makes me wish i knew you/someone like you in my life, heh, i think dreamers are rare - though i don't know if that's just the impression i get from the banal place i live in - and it's hard for a dreamer to be true to themselves in today's world, i think. but you seem to be honest, passionate, sensitive and thoughtful, and i appreciate that and how that's reflected in your tumblr! thank you for sharing. :D
So now I'm all
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
It exploded. The noodles somehow ended up on the ceiling and it rained noodles at inconvenient times (i.e. when I walked into the kitchen)
Well look what we have here. A blog. I'll find a use for this thing one day. For now: hello. My name is Emily and I love a lot of things. I'm a writer waiting for NaNoWriMo to begin, but I'm also a student stressing over the exams that start in a few weeks.
At the moment I'm madly in love with the new BBC show Sherlock. Hopefully I won't still be during November, for my novel is a period drama, not a crime for Mr Holmes and Dr Watson to solve. Though I wish it was. At the moment I'm in a state of mind that involves little writing, which is the worst thing that could possibly happen right now. It always leaves no room for happiness and creative outlets. It's pretty much boredom intensified.
I want to watch Sherlock. Or Doctor Who. That'd make me feel better. But I don't have my laptop and the Sherlock dvd hasn't arrived in the mail yet. I could really use a pick me up right now, but nothing seems to work. Not even this delicious cup of tea I made.
Can't stay on the computer for long, either, so I best end it here and try to find something else to do. Any suggestions, non-existant readership?