Tuesday, December 21, 2010

the master is following me

I really don't see it.
They're both... well, look at them.
They're attractive in different ways.
If I had to choose, I wouldn't choose Benny.
But I wouldn't choose Martin either.
I hate it when people do this with fandoms.
Taking sides and calling any other character drab
compared to their favorite.
The one that really gets on my nerves is
the Doctor Who one. He's the same person
so why are you saying 'ooh, I hate all the old ones,
but I love the new ones'?
It's madness. Each regeneration brings something new
to the character. If you fancy one over another,
then fine. Just don't be so horrid about the rest of the regenerations.
"Oh! Fuck wank bugger shitting arse head and hole!"
Well said, Bill Nighy, well said.
That was... brilliant. Fantastic. I cried, so that's always a sign of me enjoying a movie. Oh, wow. I want to watch it again but I know that if I watch something too often then I'll grow tired of it. But it was so good! I saw it at Kmart the other day but I didn't get it because I was saving my money for Christmas presents. But now I've got $65 and only two more presents to get so I can grab it without worrying about not having enough money to buy for everyone. I must make mum watch it. If I cried, then she'll bawl her eyes out. It's such a good movie. It's corny, of course. It's a Christmas film, so what to you expect? But it's still a really, really good one.
I will not cry...

I will not cry...

I will not cry...